We love to call ourselves not Barber Company, but “The Barber Family”
Family because whoever enters our workshop of people who are focusing on bulding a better future must share values with us: they must have a vision of their own future in a big way, otherwise they will have a hard time trying to feel like one of us.
I believe that if you don’t believe in yourself first, no one else will do that. We want the best, especially for those who enter our Barber shops, and in order to give the best, we have to demand the best from ourselves in our turn.
But if we want to define ourselves with a simple word, I would say that, first of all, we ARE NOT hairdressers or coiffeurs or other similar names: you just have to call us BARBERS.
This word holds all we believe in, and we want to represent it first, then convey it.
When I created Barber Company, I wanted to bring back the old barber’s craft of the 50s/60s to the present time…with all of today’s needs, without leaving the old traditions out.
To us, the Barber is a cult, it’s a way of life, a way of thinking: you have it inside, you can’t make it up. Either you ARE one, or NADA.
We wanted to re-create a place where the MAN feels protected, at home. The perfect place where they only talk about football, cars, and…use your imagination to conclude.
I have been into this craft for 30 years and I can grant you that now more than ever you can be proud to be a Barber, with the capital B. Until 5/8 year ago, there were people ashamed of being called barbers, and so they became all Unisex or Hairdressers for Men.
Our Mission is to revive the BARBER, and satisfy as many men as possible, letting them regain their identity through hair and beards.
All with extraordinay simplicity and having fun like mad #FUARFERIZING everyone.
We are the greatest experts in treatments for all kinds of beards!
From a simple shave to the most elaborate beards, with innovative services and specific treatments with special shampoos and oils to give you a beard that will be so pleasing to the touch, like no barber ever gave to you before. As a guarantee for this, your woman will be grateful to us!
Thus we are proud to say that we are true BARBERS with a very OLD SCHOOL style, though we don’t leave any other style out. We are capable of making every man happy by helping him to regain his true identity and apt image.
Whoever comes to us, they then realize that they are not going to a Barber just to cut their hair, but they are living a unique experience within our Barber Company. Now you just have to come visit us, and WE will look after all the rest. If you are a real Man you have to try us at least once, then you won’t do without anymore.
WARNING: We are addictive!

Many people ask us what is the meaning of #Fuarferized. That’s our trademark and it is part of us: it comes from my name ROBYFUARFE, which is the combination of two meanings:
1. My name ROBY…
2. …and FUARFE, which means scissors in Friulian.
There comes the FUARFERIZED trademark, which identifies us as a really powerful team: OUR TEAM. We are Proud of this and I see that people appreciate it a lot, and they have fun with us.
To us, every MAN has to be unique, and must have the possibility to feel like a real Man. Yes, because over the last years the man has lost his identity and has almost transformed: he has become much more effeminate, going to the beautician and losing his social position…
So much so that women are the first ones complaining that the man is no more the real Man. Actually, they see him almost as a competitor.